Monday, May 2, 2011


If you guys haven't checked out this website yet please please do so! The website's goal is to bring One Billion reversion and conversion stories to those of us in the digital world. You will be inspired, some of these stories you won't even believe they're so moving.

The story begins January 3rd, 2010, the day Seth DeMoor ‘cast into the deep’ on a 2,400-mile bicycle ride across the United States from Florida to Colorado. Armed with his video camera and laptop, Seth interviewed 300 Catholics along his pilgrimage route from anyone willing to share their personal story from within the Catholic faith. Every night, he would sit down and edit down the next day’s story to share on the ‘digital continent’, which has continued on to this present date.
The mission was conceived on the heels of Seth’s graduation from the University of Colorado, where a formative campus ministry at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center challenged him to ‘get out of the boat’ and begin living radically for Jesus Christ and His Church. After four years of encounter with authentic Catholic ‘stories’ from friends and leaders in the parish, he knew that God was calling him to go start a ‘digital continent’ revolution for the Catholic faith by sharing ‘one billion Catholic stories’ with as many people (souls) as possible through the Internet. Fifteen months later, the mission marches onward into the open landscape of online Catholic evangelization in the twenty first century. - One Billion Stories

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