Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mmmmm you can find me in St. Louie

So I have this friend. 
His name is Drew
He has been bugging/harrassing me for months to be put in my blog.
He even sent me a flyer demanding he be put in it! 
Since you probably can't read the fine print let me recap it for you.
Drew 2011 Any reproduction without the express consent of Drew or his child company Drew majestic or his non-profit organization AAAHK- Americans Against the Allowance of Home, Kansas is strictly prohibited. Violator will be forced to spend 1 week in Home, Kansas. Sucks."
I may be forced to spend a week in Home, Kansas for sharing this but since I live there it shouldn't be too bad.

I've repeatedly told him that he couldn't be in the blog unless something happened that was blog-worthy and he happened to be involved. He's even been boycotting my blog until he gets in it! Well my friends/family/fellow bloggers, today is that day.

Kirsten, Brigid, Garett, Drew, Sarah, Me, Charlie, Kaitlynn, Lucas, Moe

10 of us from St.Lawrence recently took a little trip to St.Louis to hit up a Cardinals game. I love baseball and I've never been to a Cards game so I just couldn't resist the opportunity, especially the day after we won two intramural softball championships. We piled into the astrovan, 6 girls and 4 guys and hit the road. Our bag of peanuts and $2 tickets kept 5 of us very entertained and dry while it rained. The Cards ended up losing but I'm not actually a Cardinals fan so I wasn't too heartbroken.

Luker, Gare, Moe, Kait, Me, Sarah, Charlie, Drew, Brigid
The most memorable part of the trip happened on our way back to Lawrence. At this point it's important for you to know that of the four guys on the trip Charlie and Lucas are in relationships and Drew and Garett are both entering the seminary. Of the six girls on the trip; Maureen, Kirsten, Brigid, Sarah, Kaitlyn and myself are single. We made for a pretty unique group.

Anyways...there's a priest at St.Lawrence who has the gift of being able to tell some people their vocations. He actually just told one of the girls on the trip that she was called to marriage. Unfortunately this priest doesn't have the gift of matchmaking!

Drew, Gare, Me, Sarah, Kirst, Moe, Luker
Somehow it got brought up that none of us would be very comfortable with Drew, the #futuresem that he is, getting the matchmaking gift. He then proceeded to attempt to use his matchmaking gift on all of the girls. Some girls got matched with multiple guys, so I guess they can have their choice? One girl got the Dominicans while another one received God as her answer.

Fortunately Unfortunately for me I didn't get matched! Not once, not even with a religious community or with God. Drew just couldn't put his finger on that perfect match. What does this mean? Single for life? Young death? I'm not completely sure at this moment. I guess we'll see, but I don't think his gift is that finely tuned yet. 

It really got interesting when Drew became frustrated by not being able to match me and asked me to describe my dream man. Here's the spark notes version:
  1. He has shoulders like Thomas Robinson.
  2. Christian, preferably Catholic
  3. Likes and is knowledgeable about sports
  4. Is more outgoing that I am
  5. A little bantering never hurt anyone either
Then we started going around the van and all of the girls had a few different things on their 'lists'. Some lists had about 20 things. (hey! we have high standards!) Some wanted runners, others blue eyes. Over 6ft tall was in high demand as well. But overwhelmingly the consensus was:
  1. Chivalrous
  2. Has a relationship with God
  3. Gets along with the family
I'll be patiently looking forward to seeing who everyone does end up with. God has a beautiful life planned out for each of us. It will be interesting to see who ends up being a priest, a Dominican, marrying someone exactly like the person on their list and marrying someone who is the exact opposite of their list.

I'm still holding out for those shoulders though!

We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out
That’s how its supposed to be
Living young and wild and free

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