Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I love the way He holds me

I'm definitely one of those people that hears a new song and gets stuck on it for weeks. This song just happens to be one of those songs. It's been on constant repeat along with the song He Won't Give Up On You.

(I probably listened to it 10 times just writing this post!)

What a joyful song, and isn't that what we're supposed to be after all? Joyful?

As March begins and the weather starts to turn around my most played music is bound to change and this song will definitely be one of them. The homework that comes along with my courseload may start to stress me like the huge project, essay and test I have this week but songs like this remind me that this week is but a small bump in the road. I have too much to be joyful about to let my stresses this week weigh too heavily on me.

Here's a part from the song that I LOVE, story of my life:

I've had a long day, I just wanna relax. Dont have time for my friends, no time to chit chat. Problems at my job, wondering what to do. I know I should be working but I'm thinking of You. And just when I feel this crazy world is gonna bring me down that's when Your smile comes around.

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