Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 23: A picture of your favorite book

I LOVE to read, unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of time for that while I'm in college. 

Among the Hidden is my FAVORITE book from when I was in grade school. I read it so many times I think I probably have it memorized. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it when I purged the books from when I was little so it's still sitting on a shelf above my closet. I like to think that I'll get around to reading it again eventually.

Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems is my current favorite book. I started reading it when I worked Totus Tuus this summer. There was never a lot of time to read but each short chapter addresses a common problem that we face as humans and gives examples of how the Saints dealt with these same problems in their own ways.

It goes through everything from Argumentativeness, Boredom, Envy, Gossip, Illness, Pride, Temptations and everything in between. It's inspiring to know that those that the church recognizes as Saints went through some of the very same problems that I deal with and found away to persevere through them with God instead of letting those problems turn them away from Him. I may never be done reading it but I like to pick it up and when I have just a few minutes and take it to prayer when I need a little guidance.

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